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Intelligent magnetostrictive liquid level gauge facing the market

DATE:2015-06-25 02:51:25 VIEW:468次

Among numerous liquid level gauges, magnetostrictive liquid level gauges have the advantages of high measurement accuracy, stable and reliable operation, strong resistance to power interference and environmental interference, strong flexibility in use, and environmental applicability. They are widely used in liquid level measurement fields such as petroleum and chemical engineering, and gradually replace other traditional sensors, becoming a boutique in liquid level measurement. The intelligent magnetostrictive liquid level gauge independently developed by Beijing Taiwei Zhida uses modern advanced electronic technology to accurately measure the time value between pulse waves, thereby accurately measuring the liquid level and interface.

TM6 intelligent magnetostrictive liquid level gauge with HART protocol, which can remotely adjust zero and range. Various parameter adjustments can also be made through the three buttons inside the casing and the LCD liquid crystal. Configurable parameters include units, display upper and lower limits, damping, translation correction, calibration upper and lower limits, digital analog fine tuning correction, factory reset, etc.

  钢带 伺服式 雷达 静压 磁致伸缩 超声波 射频导纳
工作原理 浮力 浮力 电磁波 压力 浮力 声波 储势电荷
介质特性 密度 密度 介电常数 密度 密度 密度 介电常数
精度 一般,误差小 极高,最高可达±0.4mm 高,可达±1mm 高,误差大 高,可达±1mm 一般,最高可达±15mm 一般,根据安装及调试
温度影响 较小,取决密度变化 较小,取决密度变化 可忽略 有,需考虑 较小,取决密度变化 有影响,需补偿 可忽略
压力影响 很小 很小 可忽略 很大 很小 有影响 可忽略
挥发性气体(蒸汽)影响 可忽略 可忽略 可忽略 可忽略 可忽略 有影响 可忽略
安装 复杂,费用高 简单 简单 极复杂 复杂 简单 简单
维护量 大,昂贵 低,可忽略 极大
价格费用 极高 贵,逐年降低 极高 一般 一般

泰威智达十年专注于自动化领域测量仪器的研发与生产,拥有一批多年专业技术经验,产品市场营销经验的专业人才,凭借强劲的技术实力, 丰富的经验, 经过多年的辛勤努力,公司产品得到了国内外客户的厚爱和高度认可!